Flower Essences for Animals and People
Resources: Where to Buy, Articles & Books
Photos of Iris (left), Golden Yarrow and Indian Paintbrush (right) taken by Kath Quinn in Big Sur, CA
Photo of Canyon Dudlea (middle) growing on the rocky cliffs at Point Lobos in Carmel, CA
copyright Judy Ruta. Greeting cards available. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Where to Buy Flower Essences
Animal Relief Formula
and Grief Relief
are available in our online store
- Your local health food store
- Flower Essence Services (FES) www.fesflowers.com
In addition to their North American flower essences, FES also distributes Healing herbs essences—all of the essences originally created by Dr. Edward Bach. If you are familiar with the Bach essences, I encourage you to buy these from FES. Their glass dropper bottles are much easier to use and their prices are much more reasonable. - Desert Alchemy Flower Essences www.desert-alchemy.com
- Perelandra www.perelandra-ltd.com
- Scarlet Sage Herb Company www.scarletsageherb.com
This is a great choice when you want to purchase stock bottles of essences from more than one company, and would like the convenience of one stop shopping. They sell stock bottles of essences from FES, Desert Alchemy, Perelandra, and many more.
There are many other very reputable companies listed below who co-create flower essences with nature as soulfully and lovingly as the companies listed above. The only reason I do not recommend their essences in my consultations is that I have not studied or used their essences in depth. However, I have great respect for the individuals who began and continue the work with these organizations, and encourage you to explore their sacred essences and good work:
- Alaskan Flower Essence Project www.alaskanessences.com
- Founded by Steve Johnson and Jane Bell.
- Anaflora www.anaflora.com
- Sharon Callahan is an animal communicator and co-creator of flower essences, and a person of great spiritual integrity and love.
- Flower Essences of Fox Mountain www.floweressencesoffoxmountain.com
- Kathrin Woodlyn Bateman is a dedicated co-creator of flower essences who is also deeply attuned to animals and all of nature. Just visiting her web site will make you feel better!
- Green Hope Farm www.greenhopeessences.com
- Many of my clients rave about the animal blends available from this company.
- Flower Essences and Animal Communication to Assist with Animal Death
- The Story of Lambchop and Blue Jay by Teresa Wagner
- Animals in our Hearts: Intuitive Communication and Compassionate Care
- by Jann Garrity
A Practitioner Profile of Teresa Wagner in FES's International Newsletter Spring 2005
- From FES:
- Online newsletters and many in-depth articles; also their journal Calix: International Journal of Flower Essence Therapy
- From Desert Alchemy:
- Online newsletters and many in-depth articles
- The World Wide Essence Society
- The Journal of Vibrational and Flower Essences
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Flower Essence Repertory, Patricia Kaminski, Richard Katz HIGHLY RECOMMENDED An excellent resource describing FES and the English flowers (the same as the Bach remedies) essences in detail, referencing emotional and spiritual issues in need of support matched to flower essences. This book allows anyone unversed in flower essences to use them effectively and confidently. It serves as the holistic version of the Physician's Desk Reference--providing a lifetime of reference assistance for any emotional or spiritual issue in need of help. Written by the founders of the Flower Essence Society and creators of FES essences. If you only ever buy one book on flower essences, this should be it! |
Flowers That Heal, How to Use Flower Essences, Patricia Kaminski HIGHLY RECOMMENDED While the FES Flower Essence Repertory provides an excellent, in-depth guide to the healing properties of flower essences, this follow up book goes much further, helping us determine which essences and combinations are best at what time for the stages of our life's issues and growth of our souls. Many tools are included to encourage self-reliance and self-healing. Patricia Kaminski is one of the wisest spiritual teachers of our time. You'll feel embraced by her wisdom and love in this book. |
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The Alchemy of the Desert: A Comprehensive Guide to Desert Flower Essences for Professional and Self-help Use, Cynthia Athina Kemp Scherer HIGHLY RECOMMENDED This book is formatted in a helpful encyclopedic manner, describing Desert Alchemy essences in detail, and referencing emotional and spiritual issues in need of support matched to flower essences. It is a book that helps anyone unversed in flower essences to use them effectively and confidently. Written by the creator of the Desert Alchemy flower essences. |
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The Art and Technique of Using Flower Essences, Cynthia Athina Kemp Scherer HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Another superb book in taking us deeper into the healing process with flower essences. Like Patricia Kaminski, Cynthia is one of the wisest spiritual teachers of our time. Reading either of her books will not only informs us not only about the magnificent flower essences of the desert, but also brings a depth of knowledge of the spiritual and emotional challenges of being on earth. |
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The Healing Herbs of Edward Bach, Julian and Martine Barnard This is the premier book on the plants used by Dr. Bach to make the first English flower essences. Julian Bernard has devoted his life to the study of Dr. Bach's remedies, and to helping others expand their understanding of themf or their own healing. He brings Dr. Bach's remedies into modern times with great integrity and devotion. Both of his books are highly recommended. |
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Bach Flower Remedies: Form & Function, A Call for the Renewal of Flower Essence Therapy, Julian Barnard |
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Behaving as if The God in all Life Mattered, Machaelle Small Wright A classic book in the field of flower essences and our connection with nature spirits and devas. A must read for anyone interested in these areas. Scroll done to read Honoring My Teachers to read about the impact of this book on my life. |
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Anaflora Flower Essences for Animals, Sharon Callahan |
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The Essence of Healing: A Guide to the Alaskan Flower, Gem, and Environmental Essences, Steve Johnson |
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Findhorn Flower Essences: Straight to the Heart of the Matter, Marion Leigh |
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Flower Essences: Reordering Our Understanding and Approach to Illness and Health, Machaelle Small Wright (creator of Perelandra flower essences) |
Honoring My Teachers
I remember distinctly when I discovered the existence of flower essences in this lifetime. I was sitting in bed reading through an A.R.E. book catalog and came across a book called Behaving As If The God in All Life Mattered. The cover art featured a photo of a human hand gently holding a beautiful tiny rodent or bat. The title and image took my breath away. That was in 1989. Today, this first book by Machaelle Small Wright is a classic in the world of flower essences and communication with nature spirits. Then, I just knew that I had to read a book with such a title and image. At that time I was still a "closet" animal communicator, thinking that my intimate relationship with animals and plants existed only because of having been deeply wounded by humans and feeling alienated from "my own kind." Somehow I knew, however, that between the covers of this book I might find myself in good company. At that time, on-line ordering didn't exist, but I believe it was the first thing I ever ordered by phone in the middle of the night. I could hardly wait to read this book.
When I did, a door opened to memories of lifetimes of working with flowers, plants and animals gently came back to me. I was thrilled and felt at home reading about the life of someone else who talked to plants and fairies. Within months, I attended Machaelle's workshops in Virginia. I was delighted and enchanted to be among the plants and nature spirits at Perelandra and to learn first hand about her work. Just a few months after this I took the practitioner's training program at FES in California where I studied their 103 QuintessentialsTM North American Flower Essences, their research essences, and the 38 English essences (also known as Bach flowers) they distribute for HealingHerbs in the UK. Being in the FES gardens, for the first time ever—other than while being in the presence of animals, especially whales and cats—I felt like I belonged on the earth. My life since then, filled with the normal array of small problems and large crises, has been supported daily with the healing help of flower essences. Years after studying at FES, after I had been working with essences in my animal communication practice for quite some time, I studied at Desert Alchemy to learn more about the essences of the desert. This has added a very rich, powerful, new dimension to the essences I use and recommend.
Studying with Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz at FES and Cynthia Athena Kemp Scherer at Desert Alchemy, in person and through their writings, has linked me to teachers of great wisdom, not only about flower essences, but about the journey of our souls here on earth. I believe that we are all teachers and students on earth, and that teaching occurs in layers, passed on and on and on. I am honored both to learn from these masters and to pass on, as much as I can, the genius of their work with the flowers to others. I am very grateful not only to these personal teachers, but to Dr. Edward Bach for re-discovering the essences in modern times and sharing his learnings to the world, to Julian Bernard for carrying it forth with integrity, to my Lemurian teachers from another time, and for the many other current co-creators of flower essences on the earth. Thank you for devoting your lives to the flowers essences so the rest of us can learn from your bodies of work and find these profound healers bottle-ready for our use.
I am also grateful for the exquisite photographs of Richard Katz, co-founder of FES, and Camillo Scherer at Desert Alchemy, which bring the beauty and signature of the flowers alive for those of us who cannot visit each flower in person.