Pet Loss Grief Support Animals in our Hearts  Animal Communication Teresa Wagner
  • My family is not confined to mother, mate, and child; but it includes all creatures be they tame or wild; my family upon this earth includes all living things, on land, or in the ocean deep, or borne aloft on wings.~ Alicia S. Carpenter

Energetic Boundaries, Protection and Ethics for Healing Arts and Grief Support Practitioners (MP3)

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Energetic Boundaries

Created and recorded by Teresa Wagner, drawn from her experiences as a grief counselor and animal communicator since 1986.

Appropriate for all healing arts practitioners, especially those who work with animals and their people.

(4 hours digital recording; available only in MP3 format)

This audio program focuses on one of the most critical competency areas needed for effective grief support, animal communication and all healing arts work—energetic boundaries, energetic protection and energetic preparation when working with others.

Many people begin their work in the healing arts, grief support or other helping professions deeply motivated by love, compassion and a genuine desire to serve. While this provides a profoundly important foundation, the lack of a thorough understanding and consistent application of energetic boundaries, protection and ethics in the helping relationship can greatly undermine the effectiveness of the practitioner, the quality of the help received by the client and contribute to compassion fatigue.

Boundaries are like protective circles surrounding the professional relationship. Rather than being barriers that separate us from our clients, good boundaries safeguard both practitioner and client. Good boundaries don’t create walls between client and practitioners: rather, they create a safe space within which we can touch clients’ hearts and ease their spirits. 

Without clear, thought-out boundaries, our decisions about boundaries and ethics are likely to be based on a hodgepodge of conflicting influences: our upbringing, our own biases and prejudices, emulation of teachers or mentors who may or may not have good boundaries themselves, and when in doubt, we may throw in a random piece of wisdom from the latest self-help book we’ve read.
~ Nina McIntosh, The Educated Heart

In this audio program, the issues of ethics and our motivation to help others, energetic boundaries to protect our clients from our potential projection and filtering, and energetic boundaries to protect ourselves from potential overwhelm and compassion fatigue are discussed in detail, including stories and cases from Teresa’s practice and specific resources and strategies to help us comfortably use and maintain these boundaries.

In addition, there are two guided meditations :
• Energetic preparation to use before an animal communication conversation
• A healing meditation for use when witnessing or hearing about an animal tragedy

Track 1:  1. Introduction   6:16 min
                 2. Energetic Boundaries  27 min 
                 3. Energetic Protection    32.52 min  

Track 2:  1. The Components of an Energetic Protection Process    30:18 &  42:52 min
                  2. Meditation to use before an animal communication session  11:09 min

Trace 3:  1.  Being a Compassionate, Protected Witness to other's pain    35:48 min
                  2. A Healing Meditation for use when witness to animal tragedy   13:06 min

You may also want to take the teleclass Ethics and Essential Boundaries for Grief Support and Healing Arts Practitioners for far more in-depth information and guidance.


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