Pet Loss Grief Support Animals in our Hearts  Animal Communication Teresa Wagner
  • If you were to see your true self, your own brilliant soul, you would find that you are worthy of great love. The highest truth of this exists within the heart of each one of us.
    Getting just a glimpse of that can change our lives. ~ Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

Testimonials - Private Consultations

Collage - Veronica and others


She possesses such skilled, knowledgeable expertise & the loving style in her delivery of all the information is tremendously comforting. Her healing energy is very powerful, yet gentle in nature.

Teresa's loving help, healing, teaching & gentle guidance has been a treasured part of our lives since the very first session with her in October of 1999. That session centered on my dear cat, Misty as Misty had Passed Over just that August. I was consumed with grief at the time & missed her so terribly. I was also concerned about the grief my other cats Dusty & Mikey were showing. Teresa eased our sadness as we learned that Misty was doing fine in the spirit realm. Misty also gave us the wonderful news that she had every intention of joining us again someday in the physical world. During another session only 8 months later, it was confirmed that she was back & waiting for us in her lovely black & white tuxedo kitten body! Little Angelina came home in late June of 2000.

Throughout all of the anguish that followed Misty's sickness & eventual passing, Teresa helped me to work through my grief. She assisted Dusty & Mikey through their sadness, too. Her Legacies of Love tape was a Godsend! Teresa introduced flower essences to me then & helped to better my understanding of telepathy & reincarnation. She also sincerely shared in our huge joy of Angelina's arrival.

As time went on, we had subsequent sessions. Some were just for fun "to chat" with the cats. Others were to inform them of changes & events or to ask them questions. We've discussed my going back to work, my leaving for vacations & to expect the pet sitter, upcoming vet visits, that company was coming, puzzling behavior issues or "big ones", like preparing Angelina when the time came for her to be spayed. I knew that Angelina was in an expert veterinarian's hands, however just the same, the thought of my baby having any kind of operation scared me. Teresa helped to calm my fears & she sent healing energy to Angelina, also. Within hours of her surgery, Angelina was at home eating, jumping & playing as always.

Teresa helped & lovingly counseled me through some other very difficult events in my life. Awhile ago, I learned that I would be working on a daily basis with a known animal abuser and it is common knowledge, even at work, that I adore animals. I begged my boss to move this person or me. I couldn't imagine even having to look at this individual, let alone work side by side with him, however, my boss stood firmly.

I called Teresa in tears over this issue! Then, I made an appointment & she soon conducted a spirit guide session with my own guides & the Overlighting Deva of Cats. They offered loving direction & reasons behind my being put in such a situation. This person is out of my life now because the reasons for our encounter have been since "played out". It wasn't easy, but I made it through by following these dear guides' instructions & by embracing their great love, along with Teresa's steady support, her light, love & healing energy.

At the same time that I was dealing with the animal abuser, my dear father suffered a sudden, tragic accident that left him in a 5 week long coma due to a traumatic brain injury. The hospital staff took beautiful, loving care of him with state of the art "everything", but it was unexplainable why he wouldn't wake up. Tests were not showing significant enough brain damage to keep him in such a prolonged coma. Naturally, I was sick with worry.

A few months prior to my Dad's accident, I had heard of another communicator who had spoken telepathically to coma patients. So, I decided to ask Teresa if she'd be willing to do this, too. Thankfully, she agreed. She was so helpful, loving, supportive & caring through it all & still is. She spoke telepathically with my Dad while he was in his coma asking him my questions, along with conveying information to him. He had much to tell me, too. We covered topics of deep spiritual, personal & of a family nature, as well. We also talked with his spirit guides & mine. Teresa offered numerous practical, yet wonderful suggestions for his healing that "felt right" to her for him. She sent him her love, light & energy healing. Her compassion & generosity are astounding. Teresa sincerely shared in our stupendous joy when my Dad finally came out of his coma & still shares in the excitement of each milestone that he accomplishes.

This has been going on for months, as my Dad's hospital stay & rehabilitation (with physical, occupational, cognitive & speech/language therapies) were long & arduous. It took him 7 months to finally get well enough to come home. He is still recovering & receiving physical therapy, even though he's been home almost a year. The healing he shows is a true miracle. My Dad's doctors smile & sometimes cry tears of joy with every check-up appointment he goes to because of his continuing progress. Full function has nearly returned to him. In my heart, I know that a very important part of my Dad's recovery is due to the help given to my Dad & me by the divine guidance Teresa accessed for us & by Teresa herself. She possesses such skilled, knowledgeable expertise & the loving style in her delivery of all the information is tremendously comforting. Her healing energy is very powerful, yet gentle in nature.

Last year in February, I was thrilled to attend Teresa's "Basic Animal Communication" workshop. What a beautiful experience to finally meet her in person! The workshop was a very sacred event! It was wonderful to be surrounded by such kindred human beings who were all there because of their great love of animals! The animals at the workshop sweetly welcomed us to their home, which was the setting for the workshop. They were so kind to & patient with all of us novices to animal communication, too. Teresa is such a great teacher. I learned so much & my soul was further moved to attempt communicating with animals & nature spirits myself. Since then, I've had some successes with communicating telepathically, mainly with my cats & some friends' animals. Besides teaching us about the process of telepathic communication & how it works, we discussed ethics, factors, values, beliefs & assumptions which enhance communication with animals, along with numerous valuable resources such as flower essence use, pertinent books, tapes, etc. It was a very thorough introduction & Teresa creates a wonderfully inviting, non threatening learning environment! Indeed, Teresa is a very special & dear one to us. Just knowing she is there if a problem arises is a huge comfort. I would readily recommend her gentle, healing presence & highly skilled, diversified work to anyone in need.
~ Ruth, New York