Animals in our Hearts Nurturing animals, Teresa Wagner
  • "On this globe there is almost endless diversity. Nevertheless, the greater fact is that when it comes to the treasures of the soul, differences vanish. In the place of the heart, only one light shines. This light is the same in all beings."

    -Gurumayi Chidvilasananda


Animal Communication

Resources about Animal Communication

Missing Animals

If your animal is lost, we wish you a quick and successful reunion, and to be surrounded by all the sources of practical and emotional support you need. In addition to the animal communicators and missing animal recovery groups listed below, remember to check regularly with shelters and to post flyers. To help you cope during this difficult time, you may want to take the flower essence Five Flower Formula. If you would welcome prayer support and healing energies for your situation, visit our listings of Internet prayer request groups. And to participate in a caring support group for those whose pets are missing or stolen, visit

Animal Communicators Who Handle Missing Animal Cases

Attempting to physically locate a lost animal through telepathy is some of the most challenging and difficult work animal communicators do. When animals are "lost", they are often frightened and disoriented, making it difficult for them to provide us with accurate physical information regarding their whereabouts. In addition, an animal's perspective of the physical world is very different from a human's viewpoint. Animals might describe where they are as "near a bunch of cars", versus "on 17th Street near Vine" as we would describe it through our human filter of the physical world. However, many times the "clues" they may describe of their physical surroundings can be exactly what is needed to find them. It can also be very comforting to just make contact with the animal, to hold a conversation.

If your animal is lost, you may be extremely upset and may reach out to every resource available to help you. You should expect a professional animal communicator to treat you with deep respect and lovingkindness during this time of crisis. In kind, please remember to respect them by honoring their boundaries of working hours and the fees you agree to pay for your use of their time and energy. Though some communicators do provide pro bono services for certain situations, most make their living with the work they do, and cannot afford, energetically or financially, to be available 24 hours a day or to work at no charge, much as they may be committed and dedicated to help you. Just as you are expected to pay your veterinarian, even when you don't like the news you receive or when you receive after hours emergency help, please be prepared to pay your animal communicator for his or her services in helping you with your missing animal. Thank you!

The following recommended communicators work specifically with lost animal situations and have been successful in helping to find many animals:

  • Tim Link, Cumming, GA  404-422-6355 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Diana del Monte, Los Angeles, CA 323-375-8015  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Annette Betcher, Washington 360-871-4774 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Suzi Dalling, Ventura, CA 805-512-1720 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Morgine Jurdan, WA 360-686-9886 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Karla McCoy, Washington, Illinois 805-444-1514 or

Groups That Help Find Missing Animals