Animals in our Hearts Nurturing animals, Teresa Wagner
  • "On this globe there is almost endless diversity. Nevertheless, the greater fact is that when it comes to the treasures of the soul, differences vanish. In the place of the heart, only one light shines. This light is the same in all beings."

    -Gurumayi Chidvilasananda


Animal Communication

Resources about Animal Communication

Holistic Help for Health and Physical Problems:

American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association
Visit their web site or call for their directory of holistic veterinarians in your area.


Patricia Lennox, ND, Ph.D., Vitamin and Supplement Specialist 510-834-6526 (CA)
Patricia has both studied and applied knowledge of animal and human physiology and holistic health for many years. She is an avid animal lover and a virtual walking encyclopedia of supplements known to be helpful for specific health imbalances. You can save yourself a great deal of research by having a brief consultation with her to determine which supplements can help your animal's (or your!) condition.


Lori Wright, Reiki Master
Lori-Wright-YukonLori's work is highly recommended for both in person or long distance healing. She is a beloved and trusted colleague. In describing her healing work she says, "Reiki can bring about a sense of peace to help stress related issues. I find that it calms and soothes both people and animals experiencing pain and illness. It can relax upset or agitated animals so they can be touched. Often when an animal is seriously ill or terminal, in addition to veterinary care, palliative care through Reiki can be extremely beneficial to keep them comfortable."