Fees, Session Lengths & Availability

Fees & Session Lengths:
$165  for 30-minute consultations (held on Monday – Friday at 5 pm)  NOTE:  This length not available for grief counseling.
$235 for 60-minute consultations (held Monday – Friday at 6pm & 7:30 pm)
$335 for 90-minute consultations (held Monday – Friday at 7:30 pm)

These brief sessions are for one animal only, not multiple animals, because this time frame does not provide adequate time to effectively help multiple animals. An exception to this is if there are multiple animals in the household and the issue is the same for each of them—such as discussing details of an upcoming trip.
These brief sessions are not appropriate for serious, longstanding behavior problems (such as a cat not using the litter box for years, conflict or fighting between animals, etc.) or other serious, in-depth issues. Effectively exploring and working to resolve such issues—to do justice to the animal, the human(s) and the issues—cannot be adequately done in 30 minutes.

I am here to give you my very best knowledge, skill and compassion and want to be sure that important issues are not rushed and leave you disappointed and issues unresolved. If you are looking for help for more than one animal, for serious, longstanding behavior problems or other serious, in-depth issues, please schedule a 60 or 90 minute session.  Thank you and many blessings!


Pet Loss Grief Support Discount Package $195   Full value $472, savings of $277
Review details and purchase here

The purpose of this package is to provide you with loving, in-depth, practical and affordable help for healing your heart.
The package includes:  4 Teleclasses  1 Audio Book,  1 CD MP3, providing both immediate and lifelong resources of comfort and healing support.

28 hours of audio guidance and support from Teresa and 266 pages of handouts
• Legacies of Love— A Gentle Guide to Healing from the Loss of Your Animal Loved One   
 teleclass and audio book 

• Healing Guilt: Finding Peace and Self Forgiveness  teleclass
• How Animal Communication Can Help in times of Illness, Hospice, Grief & After Death  teleclass
• Flower Essences for Illness, End-of-Life, Caregiver Stress and Healing Grief  teleclass
• Connecting with the Soul of Your Animal After Death  MP3


Availability for Consultations Outside of Published Schedule:
At this time, I am unavailable for sessions outside of my published schedule (see Schedule a Consultation for my current schedule) and for the following:
• Unscheduled or informal brief sessions—by phone, email or in social media
• 24/7 hotline or concierge service, including requests for sessions via email or social media

Thank you for your understanding the boundaries of my time and availability.